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Interdigitated back contact (IBC) solar cells can achieve a very high efficiency due to its less optical losses. But IBC solar cells demand for high quality passivation of the front surface. In this paper, a polycrystalline silicon/SiO2 stack structure as front surface field to passivate the front surface of IBC solar cells is proposed. The passivation quality of this structure is investigated by two dimensional simulations. Polycrystalline silicon layer and SiO2 layer are optimized to get the best passivation quality of the IBC solar cell. Simulation results indicate that the doping level of polycrystalline silicon should be high enough to allow a very thin polycrystalline silicon layer to ensure an effective passivation and small optical losses at the same time. The thickness of SiO2 should be neither too thin nor too thick, and the optimal thickness is 1.2 nm. Furthermore, the lateral transport properties of electrons are investigated, and the simulation results indicate that a high doping level and conductivity of polycrystalline silicon can improve the lateral transportation of electrons and then the cell performance.
Interdigitated back contact (IBC) solar cells are one of the most efficient solar cells based on silicon.[1] In the IBC solar cells, both the p+ and n+ junctions are located on the rear side of the devices. Therefore, there is no metallization pattern on the front surface, which result in very little optical losses and high
The industrial manufacturability of IBC solar cells has been demonstrated by many companies and organizations in recent years. SunPower corporation had reported an industrial production of 5-inch (1 inch = 2.54 cm) IBC cells with efficiencies as high as 25%.[3] A 2 cm × 2 cm IBC solar cell reported by AUN and trina together achieved a efficiency of 24.6%.[4] IMEC also reported a 2 cm × 2 cm IBC with efficiency of 23.1%.[5] Screen-printed technology was used by ISC Konstanz to form contacts for IBC solar cells which achieved a efficiency of 21.3% illustrating the potential of the low-cost approach.[6] The world-record efficiency of silicon solar cell was achieved by Panasonic Corporation in early 2014 by combining interdigitated back contact design and heterojunction structure together.[7]
IBC solar cells have a high quality demand for front surface passivation and bulk minority carrier lifetime, because most electron–hole pairs are generated near front surface and have to diffuse to the rear side to be collected. The requirement of high bulk minority carrier lifetime can be satisfied by using high quality monocrystalline silicon. In order to get a high quality passivation of front surface, lots of methods have been developed. Traditionally, thermal oxide silicon had been applied to effectively passivate the front surface.[8–10] SiNx is also the most commonly used passivation layer for the front surface of IBC solar cells, and what is more, SiNx is extremely suitable for antireflective coating because its refractive index is easily adjustable.[11, 12] Most recently, some researchers used aluminium oxide (Al2O3) as passivation layer and obtained a good result due to its low density of the interface defects.[13] In addition, amorphous silicon (a-Si) and SiO2/SiNx stack had also been demonstrated by many researchers to be good passivation material.[14]
All the passivation methods mentioned above passivate silicon surface by reducing dangling bonds on surface of silicon substrate which is called chemical-effect passivation. There is another kind of passivation technique called field-effect passivation which apply an electric field near the surface to reduce the concentration of one type of carriers. The electric field can be generated by forming a high-low junction[15] or a PN junction[16] near the surface. Most current IBC solar cell’s front surface are passivated by applying those two methods at the same time.
In the present work, we propose a new approach to combine the chemical passivation and field passivation together to passivate the front surface of the IBC solar cells. To be specific, the passivation structure includes a highly doped polycrystalline silicon layer and a thin SiO2 layer. The SiO2 is inserted between polycrystalline silicon layer and c-Si substrate. This SiO2 layer can effectively reduce dangling bonds at the surface of c-Si substrate to provide a high quality of chemical passivation. The highly doped polycrystalline silicon is used to form a heterojunction with the moderately doped substrate to provide a high quality of field passivation. In this paper, we investigated the properties of the polycrystalline silicon/SiO2 stack as front surface field (FSF) of the IBC solar cells only by simulations, but our preliminary experiments on such stack have shown promising results in the passivation of crystalline silicon wafers. Minority carrier lifetime of more than 3 ms indicated the excellent surface passivation capability of this FSF structure. In our simulations, the doping level and thickness of polycrystalline silicon and the thickness of SiO2 is optimized. Furthermore, the lateral transport properties of electrons in the IBC solar cells with the polycrystalline silicon/SiO2 stack are investigated too.
All the simulations are performed in two dimensions which is necessary for the simulations of IBC solar cells. The parameters used for simulations are listed in table
![]() | Table 1.
Parameters used for the simulated IBC solar cells. . |
The cross-section of the IBC solar cell structure used in our simulations is shown in Fig.
Luminous is a general purpose light propagation and absorption program integrated into the Atlas framework which can calculate optical intensity profiles within the semiconductor devices and then convert the intensity profiles into photo-generation rates which are directly integrated into the generation terms in the carrier continuity equations. This unique coupling of tools can simulate electronic responses to optical signals for a broad range of optical devices. In this method, the photo-generation rate in semiconductor is given by the formula:
There are two recombination mechanisms in our simulations. The first one is the Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH) recombination which is dominated in the moderately doped region and surface. The Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH) recombination model can be determined to be concentration-independent or concentration-dependent. We chose the latter model by which the recombination rate is given by the formula[17–19]
The other recombination mechanism is Auger recombination which is dominated in heavily doped region. The Auger recombination rate is given by the formula[20]
Non-local band to band tunneling model is used to simulate the tunneling of carriers through the SiO2 layer between polycrystalline silicon layer and substrate. The tunneling probability is given by
In addition, the bandgap narrowing effect, concentration dependent mobility, the Fermi–Dirac carrier statistics are considered in our simulations in order to make the simulations more accurate.[20] An AM 1.5G solar spectrum is used for the optical generation to simulate the J–V curve under standard one-sun illumination condition at an intensity of 100 mW
Firstly, the influence of doping level, varying from
![]() | Fig. 2. The efficiency versus doping level of polycrystalline silicon layer with different thickness. |
To explain this phenomenon, we compared this structure to the conventional passivation method for front surface field namely FSF. The conventional FSF structure is usually formed by thermal diffusion by which a heavily doped region having the same dopant type with substrate is formed near front surface. Due to different doping level, a high-low junction is formed between the heavily doped region and moderately doped substrate with a vertical build-in electric field pointing from front surface to substrate serving to repel holes and draw electrons to the front surface. In this way, electrons and holes are separated and recombination becomes very low. Similar to the conventional FSF structure, there is also a build-in electric field in the polycrystalline silicon/SiO2 stack serving to separate holes and electrons to reduce recombination, but instead of a high-low junction, the build-in electric field is formed in a heterojunction. This heterojunction is formed by depositing a thin SiO2 layer and a heavily doped polycrystalline silicon layer on moderately doped c-Si substrate successively. Once polycrystalline silicon and SiO2 is deposited on the substrate surface, carriers including holes and electrons will tunnel from the low concentration region through the SiO2 layer to the high concentration region. Due to carriers transportation, there occur net charges in polycrystalline silicon layer and substrate with opposite polarity, and at the same time, a build-in electric field pointing from front surface to substrate is formed. This build-in field will repel holes away from the front surface to avoid a high recombination of carriers because of the high defect concentration at front surface.
It is obvious that the stronger the electric field is, the smaller the recombination will become. Therefore, it is important to find the parameters that can influence the electric field noticeably. By two dimensional simulations, we find that the doping level of polycrystalline silicon can influence the electric field significantly. In Fig.
In Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) The charge distribution and holes current distribution near front surface with polycrystalline siliconlayer’s doping level of 1017 cm−3 (a), and 1020 cm−3 (b). |
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) The efficiency versus polycrystalline silicon thickness with different doping levels of polycrystalline silicon layer. |
From Fig.
Firstly, when polycrystalline silicon thickness increases, more incident light will be absorbed by this polycrystalline silicon layer which can greatly decrease solar cell efficiency. That is why solar cell efficiency decreases markedly as polycrystalline silicon thickness increases when polycrystalline silicon’s doping level is
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) The external quantum efficiency (EQE) of solar cells with polycrystalline silicon having different thicknesses and constant doping level of ![]() |
To explain the increase trend of efficiency when doping level of polycrystalline silicon is
In the polycrystalline silicon/SiO2 stack structure used in this paper, the thin SiO2 is employed to reduce dangling bonds on the surface of c-Si substrate and then impede the recombination of photon-generated carriers near front surface. Although SiO2 layer is used mainly for chemical passivation, its thickness can also influence the effect of field passivation. Hence a series of thickness, varying from 0.2 nm to 10 nm, of SiO2 layer with polycrystalline silicon’s doping level of
As is presented in Fig.
The decrease trend of efficiency as SiO2 thickness further increases can be attributed to the weakening of electric field near the interface between substrate and SiO2 layer as SiO2 layer thickness increases. In Fig.
![]() | Fig. 12. (color online) The potential near front surface with different SiO2 layer thicknesses. The vertical line in graph denote the interface between SiO2 layer and substrate. |
Lateral transportation of carriers in IBC solar cell is very important because in order to allow all contacts to be applied on rear side, the rear colleting junction (the emitter) is interrupted by a non-collecting junction (the BSF).[18] Therefore, any carriers that are generated above a BSF area need to travel laterally to an emitter area. A high lateral conductivity is beneficial to the lateral transportation of carriers and then the solar cell performance. In order to investigate the influence of the polycrystalline silicon/SiO2 stack on solar cell performance, the influence of polycrystalline silicon’s doping level and thickness on fill factor which is directly related to the lateral transportation of carriers is simulated, and the results are presented in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 14. (color online) The fill factor of IBC solar cells versus doping level of polycrystalline silicon with different polycrystalline silicon thicknesses. |
We attributed this effect to the accumulation of electrons near front surface caused by the build-in electric field. As discussed above, there is a build-in electric field in the heterojunction which can repel holes away from front surface. Except for that, this build-in electric field can draw electrons towards front surface, which result in a region where electron concentration is extremely high. As electrons accumulate in this region, the conductivity of this accumulation layer increases. According to the basic laws of circuit, current tend to flow through high conductivity path, therefore, a great portion of electron current will flow through the accumulation layer near front surface. Figure
![]() | Fig. 15. (color online) The electron current density on the substrate side near the interface between substrate and SiO2 layer with different doping levels of polycrystalline silicon. |
As discussed in Subsubsection
To see if there is electron current in the polycrystalline silicon layer, the electron current density near front surface with different doping level of polycrystalline silicon is presented in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 16. (color online) The electron current distribution near front surface with different polycrystalline silicon’s doping level of ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The electron current in polycrystalline silicon layer is not a full condition to improve the lateral transport properties of IBC solar. In order to make the photo-generated carriers to be collected by emitter and BSF, there must be an influent and effluent electron current at the interface between polycrystalline silicon and SiO2 at the same time. To see if there are an influent and effluent electron current at the same time, the electron current density in Y direction at the interface between polycrystalline silicon and SiO2 with different doping level of polycrystalline silicon is plotted in Fig.
To relate this effect directly to the performance of IBC solar cells, we change the mobility of polycrystalline silicon layer while keeping the doping level invariant to investigate the influence of electron current in polycrystalline silicon layer on the fill factor of IBC solar cells. As shown in Fig.
The polycrystalline silicon/SiO2 stack cannot only efficiently passivate the front surface of IBC solar cellsbut also improve the lateral transport properties of electrons, which ensures a high conversion efficiency. Simulations have been done to optimize the polycrystalline silicon layer and SiO2 layer to achieve the best performance of IBC solar cells. The simulation results show that both the thickness and doping level of polycrystalline silicon can influence the passivation effect of the front surface of IBC solar cells. If the doping level of polycrystalline silicon is not high enough, the thicker the polycrystalline silicon layer is, the better passivation effect can be achieved. However, if doping level of polycrystalline silicon is high enough, the thickness of polycrystalline silicon can hardly affect the passivation quality of front surface. On the other hand, a thicker polycrystalline silicon layer will cause more optical losses, and therefore, the polycrystalline silicon layer should be as thin as possible. Hence the doping level should be high enough to allow a very thin polycrystalline silicon layer to ensure an effective passivation and very small optical losses at the same time.The results of the optimization for SiO2 layer indicate that SiO2 should neither be too thin or too thick. The optimal thickness of SiO2 is 1.2 nm.In addition, the lateral transport properties of electrons were simulated. The results indicate that increasing the doping level of polycrystalline silicon will improve the lateral transportation of electrons. What is more, we find that a portion of electron current will be drawn into the polycrystalline silicon layer when the doping level of polycrystalline silicon is high enough. Therefore,improving the conductivity of polycrystalline silicon layer with high doping level is beneficial to solar cell’s performance.
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